
Introducing Decentralized Limit Orderbook


The move forward to a DLOB-based design is the next big step for Decentralizing Exchanges.

📖 Understanding CLOBs Before Diving into DLOBs

To appreciate the value of DLOBs, we first need to unpack CLOBs. CLOBs (Centralized Limit Order Books) have a centralized Matching Engine; matching occurs on a centralized server.

🌐 Partial Decentralization vs. Full Decentralization

While some CLOBs offer a taste of decentralization, the true essence of a decentralized exchange lies in achieving Decentralized Matching. This is where the future of DEX is headed.

🛡️ Why DLOBs Are Crucial?

A DEX is only as decentralized as its matching engine. A Decentralized Matching Engine is truly trust-less.

🔧 The Rise of App-Chain Infrastructure

Now, there's a revolutionary moment unfolding in DEX history. Thanks to the emergence of app-chain infrastructure, we're at the cusp of achieving Decentralized Matching.

💡 Power of App-Specific Chains

Crafting an app-specific chain means you can fine-tune your chain right at the vm-level. Such customizations empower validators to execute app-centric tasks.

🌌 Hubble Exchange's Vision

Hubble Exchange is harnessing this capability to create a chain meticulously designed for Decentralizing the Limit Order Book.

Our Layer 1's Validators are responsible for Matching Orders.

🚀 The DLOB Revolution

Transitioning to a DLOB is a leap towards truly trust-less trading: the next frontier of Decentralized Exchanges.

Learn more: How does Hubble Exchange's Decentralized Matching Engine Works?

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