
Multiverse of OrderBooks


Hubble Exchange will have a Modular OrderBook Design that could support an array of special orders, including Private, Just-In-Time, and Gasless Orders.

The possibilities? Endless.

1️⃣ Hubblenet's architecture is designed with flexibility to accommodate countless order book sources for every market.

2️⃣ For every new order book source, we just need one validator in the network to commit to managing its order matches. Enabling us to modularly introduce any new order type.

3️⃣ Each order book in the multiverse shares its liquidity, creating 1 unified orderbook.

🚀 Unlocking Special Orders:

  • Private Orders: Relay orders in private to validators. 🤫
  • Just-In-Time Orders: Keep it mysterious; reveal only when matched! 🕰️
  • Gasless Orders: For MMs to present tighter spreads & cost-effective trading. 💸
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